After a long absence, I'm back. My husband started working from home and took over my study which has my computer in it. Between that and many many kids sports activities I've been busy and just lost the habit of being on the computer.
Halloween was like normal at the Bowcutt's this year. Jeffrey talked us into a strobe light and a fog machine this year. Our front door was a lot of fun. Here is our friends that came over for our traditional chili and cornbread before tricks and treats.
Michael did a fabulous job on the pumpkins this year. I just have to brag.
I hate carving pumpkins. I'm glad we have kids old enough to do it all by them selves.
Except Sara and Eric. We helped them.
You're back!!! Cute post :)
I've been meaning to give you crap about you blog! You posted before I could! Sarah looks sooo adorable in that pumpkin carving pic...and dressed up...
Welcome back! :) I cannot believe how old your kids look... has it really been that long since I've moved?! :( Sara is not a baby anymore... she is so so cute! Hope you are doing well!
welcome back to blogging! Still can't believe how HUGE your kids are getting. How old are your kids now anyway?
love their halloween costumes.
hey did Shelly Soffe call you and tell you that Greg and Brady are coming to Dallas next month for a game??? How far are you from Dallas?
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